Medical Acupuncture
What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is an ancient healing technique involving placement of thin needles at specific points on the body. Its roots go back thousands of years in China, but the discipline has evolved (and continues to evolve) in both the East and the West. Traditionally acupuncture was based on ideas of flow of vital energy through channels, or meridians, in the body with the needles being used to influence this energy and its movement. Some modern acupuncture techniques place needles in proximity to anatomical target structures such as nerves, tight muscles, or inflamed joints rather than at traditionally-recognized acupuncture points (though it is interesting how often the anatomically-selected point happens to also be a traditional point). Some acupuncture disciplines use points on the scalp, ear, or hand to influence the entire body.
Medical acupuncture is performed by a physician who is also trained in acupuncture. This training and experience gives the physician acupuncturist a unique perspective on health and disease. My primary specialty is family medicine and I have practiced in primary care, urgent care, and wound care settings. My acupuncture training includes both traditional and modern techniques. I find this mix of tools and perspectives quite useful in the evaluation and treatment of my patients.